Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Anybody wanna build a fence???

Okay, so you're probably asking yourself, "Why in the world would you want to keep these cuties out of your front yard?" Answer: Cattle are the dirtiest, smelliest, creatures on earth and make lousy pets!! So goes the saga of running fence across the pasture, through the woods, and up a driveway in blistering heat!

Truthfully I had NO idea how difficult running a barb wire fence could be, and it probably wouldn't be so tough if it weren't for the extreme heat and the rocky, cement-like soil you find on an Ozark farm. To date Mark has cut 16 cedar posts and dug 9 - 3 ft. holes for fence supports. He has also pounded over 75 metal posts into the rocky soil and sweat so much the river level has risen! I have been hit on the head with a post hole driver, pounded on my middle toe with a tamper, and broke 3 nails.

Fortunately, there is a light at end of the tunnel (or should I say fence row?). Soon our smelly, fly-ridden friends will be confined to their own area and we can enjoy life without cow pies. Today excavation begins for the foundation and soon we'll be raising timbers. Praying for cooler weather and the building process to be stress-free!!

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