Thursday, August 19, 2010

Pinch me!

A few years ago there was a commercial on TV with this man lying on a beach next to a beautiful woman. With a drink in one hand and the sun beating down on him, he said, "Pinch me!" because he thought the scene was a dream. Unfortunately for him, when she pinched him he zoomed out of the fantasy world and into reality - a small office cubicle with his desk stacked in work. It was a dream. This week framing started on the basement of the house, and as I stood on the top of the foundation wall I realized it's not a dream!

Monday afternoon Becker Millworks from Freeburg, MO delivered the lumber, and the rough in carpenters (Corey and Dan) began the tedious job of lining out the walls and posts. Listening to them calling out measurements down to 1/16th of an inch, and leveling every board and beam, made me realize the importance of paying attention in math class. These guys made sure that every square inch of this house was straight and level. They are good at what they do, and for that we are both grateful. Large support beams were also delivered, and Mark planned on helping the men lift the beams in place. Unfortunately the beam weighed approximately 1,000 lbs., so machinery will be required for this job.

Although we left Thursday afternoon with work in progress, we look forward to returning Monday to see the progress they've made and to actually stand in my new living room. Pinch me!

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